Mexican Sweet Buns (Conchas)

Mexican Sweet Buns are also known as ‘conchas’ which means shell in Spanish. They are recognizable by their shell-like shape and crunchy topping.

Mexican Sweet Buns (Conchas)

I am a pastry devotee through and through so I’m not sure why it took me so long to make these delicious Mexican sweet buns. I’ve had them bookmarked for ages. They have just about everything I want in a pastry. They are soft and cottony at the center with a crunchy sweet coating, and (this is important) they’re darn cute, too.

These buns are recognizable by their shell-like shape, hence the name “concha,” which means “shell” in Spanish. These buns typically have a sweet, slightly crumbly topping made from sugar, flour, butter, and sometimes cocoa. These are enjoyed with coffee or hot chocolate in Mexico, and in Mexican communities around the world. How festive would these look on a dessert table next to churros and fried ice cream cake? Yes, they need to happen.

Mexican Sweet Buns (Conchas)

There’s a bit of waiting that goes with making these rolls, but they are worth every moment spent babysitting rising sweet dough.

Shape the Dough

First, make the dough. After the dough rises, divide it into16 even pieces. Shape each piece into a ball.

The next bit -scoring the sugar paste topping- is a little hard to describe so I made a short video tutorial. It’s my own technique for topping these buns. If I understand correctly, the paste is usually smeared onto the buns and then scored with a knife. I found that whole technique messy and awkward. If you thicken the paste just a tad with flour, it’s almost like cookie dough -easy to cut and score.

Now, you can buy a conchas dough stamp, and I was almost ready to do that, but I figured out a great way to get the same effect with a pastry ring. This will serve you well if your utensil drawer overfloweth like mine does.

Mexican Sweet Buns (Conchas)

Methods of Scoring

I scored a variety of patterns into the paste; some were straight ridges and others were crosshatched. The variety of colors and patterns made such a pretty assortment on the baking tray.

Mexican Sweet Buns (Conchas)

As the buns rise, the scored sugar paste will separate a little. Don’t worry if some separate more than others. Some may not separate at all!  If this happens, no biggie. They all bake up just fine.

Mexican Sweet Buns (Conchas)

I’ll revisit this Mexican Sweet Buns (or, conchas) recipe many times! I already have a note in my recipe journal to try a chocolate version made with cayenne and cinnamon.

Mexican Sweet Buns (Conchas)

Heather Baird
"Conchas" are a type of Mexican sweet bread roll. They are recognizable by their shell-like shape, hence the name "concha," which means "shell" in Spanish.
The sugar paste topping is made with margarine; this yields a crunchy, flaky texture. If you don’t have margarine, shortening will yield a similar result.
5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
1 1/2 hours rise time 1 hour 30 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 16



  • 3 teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 1/2 cup warm water 105 to 115°F
  • 1/2 cup lukewarm milk
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup butter at room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 egg
  • 3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour plus more for dusting

Sugar paste topping

  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup margarine
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour plus more for dusting
  • Assorted gel food colors


  • Dissolve the yeast in warm water in the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the paddle attachment.
  • Add the milk, sugar, butter, salt, egg and 2 cups of flour. Stir together until just combined. Switch to the dough hook attachment.
  • Add an additional cup of flour and knead on medium-low speed. When the flour is incorporated, knead at medium speed for 5 minutes. The dough should be elastic and slightly sticky but easy to handle. If the dough is very sticky, knead in the additional flour. Place the dough in a large greased bowl and turn the dough over to coat. Cover with plastic wrap and allow it to rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 1/2 hours.
  • In the meantime, make the sugar paste topping: Beat the sugar, margarine and vanilla together until light and fluffy. Stir in flour and mix until a thick dough forms. Add additional flour if needed. Divide dough into 3 or 4 even pieces and tint each with food color. If the dough becomes sticky from the food color, add more flour. Cover pieces with plastic wrap until ready for use.
  • When the dough ready, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. Divide the dough into 16 even pieces (I did this with my bench scraper). Shape each dough piece into a ball by tucking the corners under (don’t roll between your palms, this will just deflate the dough and make it tough). Place the dough buns ona large Silpat or parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • Roll out the sugar paste pieces on a lightly floured surface. Cut into 2 1/2-inch rounds with a cookie cutter or pastry ring. Use the pastry ring to score lines into the paste to resemble the ridges on a seashell (concha). Transfer the scored sugar paste rounds to the buns using an offset spatula. If the paste doesn’t want to adhere naturally, use a pastry brush to apply dots of water on the underside before applying to the buns. Allow the buns to rise on the baking sheet for 40 minutes.
  • Preheat oven to 375°F. Bake the buns for 18-20 minutes, or until they are fragrant and lightly brown on the bottoms.
  • Store the leftovers in an airtight container.
Keyword conchas, sugar paste topping, yeast bread
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
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Rosa's Yummy Yums
Rosa's Yummy Yums
9 years ago

Gorgeous buns! Really fancy looking.



June Burns
June Burns
9 years ago

How adorable! I love the colors you chose, very pretty 🙂 I've never heard of these so I'll have to try them sometime!

9 years ago

Loves these…so bright and beautiful and they remind me of my childhood. Going into the Mexican market and picking out a Concha for breakfast was such a treat!

9 years ago

Is there a reason margarine is used for the sugar topping? Do you suppose it could be replaced by butter?

Love, love, love this recipe and tutorial!

Heather Baird
Heather Baird
9 years ago
Reply to  SuzyMcQ

Hi Suzy! Butter may be used. Margarine or vegetable shortening will yield a slightly crunchier topping – but use whatever you wish. Not a huge difference. Thanks for your question!


Erin @ Miss Scrambled Egg
Erin @ Miss Scrambled Egg
9 years ago

These gems are so cute. I've never heard of conchas before. They look tasty!

Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar
Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar
9 years ago

These are the neatest little treats I've ever seen!! So cool!

Beauty Follower
Beauty Follower
9 years ago

Love the colours!

Tina Vesić
Tina Vesić
9 years ago

So adorable!

9 years ago

I also have had a recipe saved for eons, but now I know I must make them! They turned out beautifully, Heather! I have always had the pink, white and chocolate, but the green is a new, pretty one!

Colette (Coco)
Colette (Coco)
9 years ago

These are so much prettier than the ones I've seen in the bakeries here.
And I love your ingenuity, Heather!

9 years ago

These are lovely and wonderfully colorful.I will definitely try them

9 years ago

They are so pretty!

Jasline @ Foodie Baker
Jasline @ Foodie Baker
9 years ago

These buns are just too pretty to be eaten!

Medeja- CranberryJam
Medeja- CranberryJam
9 years ago

They are so colorful and beautiful!

9 years ago

I'm so glad someone already asked about a substitute for margarine. These are absolutely gorgeous– but everything you post is so colorful and picture perfect. The video is a great help. I think I can do this! Here goes…

9 years ago

Those look incredible! Where do you get all these wonderful ideas?

9 years ago

I was looking for a recipe that made a few more of these a little smaller. This looks perfect. PLEASE make a chocolate version! Any clue if these keep okay for a couple of days?

9 years ago

Hello! How long would I have to bake the sugar paste if I want to make it on cupcakes?
Thanks 🙂

Paula Akbari
Paula Akbari
9 years ago

I made these for my Cinco de Mayo party. Usually yeast and I do not get along. Surprisingly, these little conchas turned out perfectly. They are darling!!!!!! Thank you for cute dessert 🙂

9 years ago

I absolutely love your videos!!

9 years ago


Nina Aj
Nina Aj
8 years ago

These look so yummy. I so love the colors you chose. I will definitely try these. Gracias.

8 years ago

Parabéns!!! incrível essa receita entendi mas tenho uma duvida posso cubrir os pães ?com pasta de leite em pó ao invés de pasta de açúcar?
ou pode ser pasta americana essa pasta deveria ser passo passo desculpe por favor essa pasta de açúcar a gente faz como?
desculpe por favor quero fazer essa receita mas estou meio confusa.
Amei essa receita ai ki belo e delicioso.

8 years ago

Penso que você está perguntando se o bombom fundido pode ser usado. O bombom fundido seria muito diferente desta cobertura de açúcar.

7 years ago

Could you post photos of what the dough should look like post mixing and pre baking?

7 years ago

I'm from Mexico and love Conchas with coffee. The chocolate and vanilla are the best! Thankfully, there's a Mexican bakery right down the street from me and their prices are cheap. I always end up with at least 2 bags full of pan dulce and a cup of flan. Thanks for the recipe.

7 years ago

Thank you for the video! It helped me so much!

7 years ago

Is it okay if I don't own a stand up mixer? If yes what do I use because I do have a hand held electric mixer?

Heather Baird
Heather Baird
7 years ago
Reply to  Unknown

Hi! If you don't have a stand mixer with the paddle and hook attachments, then you can stire the mixture together by hand, and then knead the dough by hand, at least 5 minutes. Hope this helps!

7 years ago

I am making these today– I noticed the sugar mixure calls for vanilla but in your instructions it doesn't call to add the vanilla– should I tried to triple check to make sure I didn't miss it– when and where should the vanilla be added… and I have already made the sugar dough– yikes– maybe I can put one trip in each of the four separete sugar dough sections–

Heather Baird
Heather Baird
7 years ago
Reply to  Unknown

Hi Angelita, thank you for letting me know about the omission. I have added it to the directions. You should be able to knead in a little vanilla extract, or it can be omitted. The topping is primarily for the sugar crunch.


7 years ago

Would there be any way to refrigerate them overnight at any time during the process, or would it ruin them? Possibly after assembling them but before letting them rise for the second time?

Cindy Sweetheart
Cindy Sweetheart
6 years ago

I made these last week but they tasted sour. Did I let the bread rise too long? Looked beautiful tho.

Cindy Sweetheart
Cindy Sweetheart
6 years ago

I made these but they tasted sour. Is this because i let the bread rise too long? Looked beautiful tho 🙂

5 years ago

I remember ad a kid the tops were made with different favor Extracts.

5 years ago

I love conchas! I discovered them when I studied abroad in Mexico. Have you seen the croncha? I just saw a BuzzFeed video about it. It's a croissant/ concha hybrid.

Colette (Coco)
Colette (Coco)
5 years ago

Heather, can the sugar paste be made with butter instead of margarine/shortening?

4 years ago

All I can say is WOW you make these conchas really look good I eat them all the time, but never attempted to make them myself, I printed the recipe so off I go to try it. you have a amazing blog. I'll check back often I found you on pinterest,
Chef Ernesto`

4 years ago

Hi there,
I’ve made these twice now and just want to ask quickly….
they turn super brown on the outside but always have a line of gooey almost uncooked stuff at the bottom when you cut in. But the next day that goes away… so does that mean it’s actually done?

4 years ago

the best recipe out there that doesn't require shortening. i'm truly in love with these!

3 years ago

Wow! Hit with kids…and ummm I ate two while still warm. Turned out perfect!

3 years ago

Your Conchas are a must try your colors are amazing I can see just how good your talents are perfect I shared on my facebook page my family would really appreciate your recipes
Chef Ernesto`

3 years ago

I tried making these and they turned out great! Thank you for posting this recipe.

3 years ago

Loved these. I really impressed my Mexican mom! I made the dough ahead, let it rise, shaped into small flat patties, and froze. When frozen I topped with the sugar mix as directed and put right back in the freezer. On Christmas Eve I put the frozen rolls on a baking sheet and left out overnight covered with plastic wrap. Baked up delicious perfection for Christmas morning!

2 years ago

I didn’t have enough of the sugar paste topping .. I would double up next time!

1 month ago

5 stars
Great recipe! They turned out soft and airy with a crunchy sugar crust. Took them to a party, and our neighbors who moved here from Mexico City loved them. Their son was delighted to find a taste of home. Swapped butter and margarine for vegan butter because I’m lactose intolerant, and was grateful the recipe still worked well. It was pretty labor intensive, but worth it. I also doubled the recipe, so that is partly why it took so long.