Homemade Marshmallow Ropes

Homemade Marshmallow Ropes

I first saw marshmallow ropes a few years ago at a local specialty market and loved them instantly. They looked so colorful and fun sitting there on the shelf, I felt compelled to try making a homemade version, but back then the task was too daunting. I was ill-equipped. My previous marshmallow attempts seemed promising at first but I always ended up with a pan of weepy mallows. I blamed the humidity. I blamed the egg whites. I never really figured out what I was doing wrong.

These days my confidence in marshmallow-making has grown (largely due to this book) and I felt sure that I could make homemade marshmallow ropes happen. And boy, did they happen. Miles of them!

Homemade Marshmallow Ropes

This recipe uses no egg whites, and I’ve never had a problem with the mallows weeping. The marshmallow coating keeps everything powder fresh and non-sticky, so be sure to dust your work surface liberally before you begin piping ropes.

I’ve been making more how-to videos lately -maybe you’ve noticed? I do my best to articulate the instructions in my recipes, but sometimes it’s easier to show you a technique – and, I’ll admit – I can get overly wordy in text. I feel this video will be especially helpful alongside the recipe provided.

Homemade Marshmallow Ropes

When you first make the ropes they will be very soft, so they need to stand at least 24 hours after twisting so they’ll hold their shape. After that you can cut them into pieces, tie them in knots and make them into lollipops -which is so much fun! Their texture will be slightly chewy, but they’ll still have that homemade freshness that chalky grocery store mallows lack.

(You can find those cute wooden lollipop stickshere!)

Homemade Marshmallow Ropes

Now admittedly, this is a project. Be prepared to spend an entire day smelling sweet vanilla candy and twisting up tactile marshmallow. Even though it’s time consuming, I promise it’s not a bad way to spend the day!

Homemade Marshmallow Ropes

Heather Baird
To make the marshmallow ropes, this recipe will need to be made three consecutive times using three different colors of food coloring. Gel food coloring is recommended and will not affect the consistency of the marshmallow batter.
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 45 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
1 hour drying time 1 hour
Total Time 2 hours 10 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 25


Marshmallow coating

  • 3 cups confectioners’ sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups cornstarch


  • 4 1/2 teaspoons unflavored gelatin
  • 1/2 cup cold water
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup divided
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp. clear vanilla extract
  • Your choice of gel food coloring
  • Toothpicks


  • Whisk confectioners’ sugar and cornstarch together in a large bowl. Place several large sheets of parchment paper over a large work surface
  • I used the entire surface of my dining room table – you’ll need lots of space!; dust parchment paper generously with the marshmallow coating. Reserve the remaining coating for later use.
  • Whisk together the gelatin and cold water in a small bowl. Let set for 5 minutes until gelatin absorbs liquid.
  • In a saucepan with a candy thermometer inserted, combine sugar, 1/4 cup corn syrup, 1/4 cup water and salt. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, pour the remaining 1/4 cup corn syrup in the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Heat the gelatin in the microwave or on the stove-top until melted completely and pour into the mixing bowl with the corn syrup. Turn mixer on low and keep it stirring until the sugar syrup is ready.
  • When the syrup reaches 240°F, slowly pour it into the mixer bowl. Increase the speed to medium and beat for 5 minutes, then increase to medium-high and beat 5 more minutes. Finally, increase to highest speed and beat 1-2 more minutes, add vanilla then beat again for 1-2 minutes. Mixture should be opaque and tripled in volume. Add food coloring and beat until incorporated. Immediately scoop marshmallow into the large piping bag fitted with a plain 1/2-inch tip. You can also use a disposable piping bag with the end snipped to size.
  • Pipe long lengths of marshmallow batter onto the prepared sheets until all the batter is used. The marshmallow will set quickly, so be sure to pipe as quickly as possible. Repeat recipe twice more with different colors of gel food coloring. Dust all of the piped marshmallows with some of the remaining marshmallow coating. Allow to dry about 1 hour or until marshmallow is set.
  • When the marshmallows are set, dust your hands with the remaining marshmallow coating and roll one of each color of rope back and forth in the mixture so they are completely coated. Lay the three colors of ropes side by side and skewer all three with a toothpick. Twist the ropes together and skewer the other end with another toothpick. Repeat process with remaining ropes. The ropes can be enjoyed immediately, but they will be soft and won’t hold their shape. Leave ropes uncovered at room temperature for 24 hours to dry. The next day, remove toothpicks and cut into pieces, tie into ropes or coil them up and skewer them through the center to make a marshmallow lollipop.
  • Keep leftovers in an air-tight container.
Keyword homemade marshmallow, marshmallow coating, powdered gelatin
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!
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Rosa's Yummy Yums
Rosa's Yummy Yums
11 years ago

So pretty! They look perfect and extremely tempting.



11 years ago

These are fantastic! I knew can find these in the store but now I can make them in any colour i want. Thank you sprinkle bakes for your genius

11 years ago

These, my friend, are GORGEOUS! Wow! I'm impressed!

11 years ago

I can´t see your vidoes :/

11 years ago

I got Marshmallow Madness based on your previous recommendation and I agree that it's an amazing book! All of the recipes I've tried turned out so well… the salted caramel marshmallows… one of the best things ever!

Heather Baird
Heather Baird
11 years ago

Matilda – it looks like vimeo was (is?) having some issues. here's the link to the video on their site.


Master Chefette
Master Chefette
11 years ago

Amazing!!! I am definitely going to attempt these when I have some free time. Your blog is GORGEOUS by the way, from a fellow Baking Blogger 🙂

Mari @ Oh, Sweet & Savory
Mari @ Oh, Sweet & Savory
11 years ago

These look absolutely incredible! And such perfect springtime colors!

11 years ago

Oh wow…you make marshmallow making look so easy!

They look absolutely yummy… thanks for the video…maybe I´ll give it a try, too!


Tina @ Sugar Bean Bakers
Tina @ Sugar Bean Bakers
11 years ago


These are GORGE.


Also, I assume this is what Biscuit got his nose into yesterday?

11 years ago

Wow. super impressed with this and of course the colors are so pretty. Must try. I love Shauna's book as well.

11 years ago

I'll admit, I got that book for Christmas and still haven't attempted any of the recipes. 🙁 But this may be the inspiration I need!

11 years ago

They look amazing! I HAVE to try and make some! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe and video 🙂


Heather Baird
Heather Baird
11 years ago

@Tina – yes! But happily, he became disinterested when I gave him a bite. He didn't like the texture, I think. 🙂

11 years ago

Beautiful! I think I just found what I'll be making as favours for our wedding – thank you!

11 years ago

Oh my goodness! That video is amazing and the marshmallow ropes are adorable. Hope I can make something as amazing as those one day!

11 years ago

Oh I love them! Thank you for the tutorial my friend, I'll have to try this technique with the kids, we love making marshmallow!!

Carries Creations
Carries Creations
11 years ago

OH these are so gorgeous. My 1 attempt at making ropes was a fail, but your way definitely seems easier. I will have to try this one of these days when I have 4-5 hours. 🙂

11 years ago

Kim –
Amazing – how fun! Thanks for video – just how many and how long were all the ropes???

11 years ago

How sweet and fun. Thanks for posting these treats!

11 years ago

This has to be the cutest video ever! Candy, sweet music and a pug! That's perfection…….

11 years ago

True Brilliance.

11 years ago

These are so cute!! Every time you post i think "oh, she is so talented!".

11 years ago

These are adorable!

Miss M
Miss M
11 years ago

These are like artisan flumps!
I would love to try this but I don't know if I have the patience – I would want to eat them before I twisted them together.


11 years ago

I love that book too, I haven't dared making ropes yet though!

11 years ago

I love how you turned these into pops! I have that awesome Marshmallow Madness book and have been wanting to experiment with marshmallows more. These are definitely getting pinned and added to my to-do list!

11 years ago

I want to be your neighbor Heather. Do you hear me. Let me know if there is a house for sale or if you are subletting :-))))

All the best girl!

11 years ago

How do you even come up with this stuff… brilliant

11 years ago

I seem to remember these being available when I was a kid. Man those things tasted weird, but a homemade version is bound to taste amazing! Your ropes are so perfect and beautiful 🙂

Jpeuxpas, j'ai cuisine
Jpeuxpas, j'ai cuisine
11 years ago

The video is amazing, music and contents just go together very well. I love I love I loooove it !

11 years ago

It looks so very tempting and lovely.With the help of your video now i can easily make them in my house.

11 years ago

I love the video… So cute. The marshmallow rope lollipop sounds ADORABLE.

11 years ago

What a fun way to spend the day, especially with such stellar results! You have your own candy factory:)

Laura (TLN)
Laura (TLN)
11 years ago

Oh my – looks like beautiful idea for a sweet spring party! 🙂

11 years ago

I remember eating marshmallow ropes when I was little in China! It's so fun to see this again! :]

11 years ago

Cutest thing ever. Ever.

11 years ago

I desperately want to try out this recipe!!!But I can't find corn syrup(unfortunately It's not that popular in my county)….so is there something I can replace it with?In advance thank You!

11 years ago

HELP – I just tried making these for my daughters end of year party which on Thursday, so you know nothing like waiting until the last minute. Anyway I think the mixture was much much too liquid. I did pipe out, just ran out, of the piping bag. Any ideas? Maybe my sugar wasn't hot enough? I took it to 240. I used Wiltons candy coloring.

Any suggestions would be great.

10 years ago

Cannot wait to make these with the kids – my daughter printed off the recipe as a reward for a good report card. I would have made them with her regardless. Looks like a ton of fun – will be doing this today! I'm a visual learner so the video was tremendously helpful.

10 years ago

I am a visual learner so the video was PERFECT. Cannot wait to make these with the kids today!

10 years ago


I was just wondering how long these last for after the 24 hour drying period.

Thank you.

Heather Baird
Heather Baird
10 years ago

If kept in an air-tight container, up to two weeks.

10 years ago

This is SUPER helpful!!! I love the colors and the way you made it. Thank you so much for writing this entry and showing us how to make it! ^_^

9 years ago


They taste amazing but mine keep splitting and breaking when I tried to twist them. I left for longer but didn't help, wonder is my syrup overheated?

The other issue I have is sometimes the sugar and cornflour goes bitty and hard, am I using too much?

I've use raspberry essence in a red one coconut in an essence and they taste soooo good!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


8 years ago

so great, will need to try these. I just love your blog, thank you for the fabulous recipes, photos and videos!

8 years ago

I noticed that you tugged on the marshmallow rope pretty hard at the end of the video. Does this recipe make a durable rope that can withstand continual tugging?

7 years ago

They look so very delicious.I am from India and so could you please tell me if there is any substitute for corn syrup?

6 years ago

OMG I am testing recipes for the Holidays I must have a mile of these covering my table and my kitchen island!!!! I have about 1/3 twisted but needed a break (I am old and disabled) But they are really DELICIOUS!! The Grand kids will have a ball with them this Christmas. Think I'll take this batch down to the Senior Center tomorrow

Heather Baird
Heather Baird
6 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Goodness gracious, it's an all-day project, isn't it?! So glad to know you like them. Kids go nuts for them! Thanks for trying the recipe.

6 years ago

Oh to those who need to substitute the Corn Syrup you can use Glucose. It has less water then Corn Syrup but it does work